Several chances for change

Sunday 23rd October is a whopping astrological day that offers several chances for change. This is the beginning of a series of noteworthy changes in the cosmos covered in this post.

This week, we have the chance to tidy up our relationships (Sun conjunct Venus 29Libra 26). These conditions are good for communicating in a fair and equitable way. Where there is misunderstanding or friction, take the initiative to talk. Look for win/win outcomes. Express your love and appreciation. Think about the positive ways in which relationship supports you. Be grateful. Be kind. Aim for happiness and harmony.

From Sunday onwards there is a chance to make structural changes in your life as your attention shifts from an internal to an external focus when Saturn changes direction (Saturn turns direct 18 Aquarius35). This increases the potential to reshape your life.

If you’ve been mulling over an idea that involves altering the way you organise and take responsibility for your life, big changes are possible now. Think about how you set your boundaries in relationships and what you are willing to give up for the sake of progress.

This year we are all under pressure to let go of traditional attitudes and try new and different methods for living (Aquarius Saturn square Taurus Uranus). This tension is evident on a global level in the struggles between conservative forces and new ideas. For example:

  • Investment in fossil fuels versus generating renewable energy.
  • Russian aggression opposed by Ukrainian resilience and solidarity.
  • Moral oppression exposed and challenged by Iranian protestors.

What are you doing in your life to shift the balance between old and new?

The third opportunity for change comes on Sunday evening when strong emotions about love, loss, grief, and renewal are given permission to be expressed (Venus and the Sun into Scorpio). For those recently bereaved, this is a good time to find people who are willing to listen deeply as you grieve.

The pain of losing someone or something is one of life’s hardest lessons. The first few weeks, months, and years after loss can be especially tough. You might be fearful of the future without your loved one/relationship/job. You may not be ready to accept the changes in your life and the challenges to your identity that the loss has caused. It is important to receive support and love to help you make meaning of this event and to reshape your life.

Astrotessa is now offering a Grief Counselling service. Book a session here.

Scorpio season

Scorpio season brings the chance to investigate your feelings more deeply and to delve into the mystery of life.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on Tuesday 25 October at 9:48pm (02Scorpio) strengthens our passionate response to each other; but if jealousy is in the picture, these strong feelings could make relationships sour (New Moon conjoins Scorpio Venus).

Further layers of emotional sensitivity arise from Friday 28 October (Jupiter into Pisces). Your musical or artistic juices could be turned on after a drought. From now until 20 December, feed your intuition by talking about your feelings, meditating, or spending time in nature (Jupiter in Pisces). Be wary of investment fraud however.

Your thoughts turn to getting your wants and desires fulfilled from Sunday 30 October (Mercury into Scorpio). Take a deep breath before sending personal messages or saying something important to a loved one during November. You might overwhelm the other person with your needs.

Communication could be quarrelsome from 31 October (Mars in Gemini retrograde). Heightened levels of critical thinking could lead to arguments or manifest as a constant search for answers. Use grounding practices such as gardening, cooking, and mindfulness to steady your nervous system and settle your brain.

Sunday 6 November could bring unexpected encounters of the heart or a sudden realisation and awakening about what makes you free and happy (Venus opposite Uranus). This is a great day to meet new people or to go somewhere unusual.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday 8 November (16Taurus00) is threaded with potential for surprise particularly for those born under the signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius (Full Moon conjoins Mercury, Venus, and Uranus square Saturn).

You may experience sudden events, like falling in or out of love, or you could put in a huge effort in some group activity. There is a manic flavour about this energy. You do everything with great force or strength, especially in relationships. The effects of an eclipse last around 6 months, so this can be an opportunity for significant change.

Relief from the emotional intensity of the eclipses is promised from mid-November. After this time you are more interested in going on short journeys or engaging in casual conversations with people again (Mercury and Venus into Sagittarius 16/17 November). Your search for meaning becomes more energised and less emotional.

This eclipse season

This eclipse season reflects key themes facing humans in the 21st Century (Taurus/Scorpio). As the Sun and faster moving planets move into Scorpio (Mercury, Venus, Mars), they meet the Moon’s nodes. We can use this energy to survive the tough economic conditions.

Practical skills and resources, the hallmarks of Taurus energy, can help us to combat the rising cost of living (Taurus North Node). For example, plant seeds to grow your own vegetables. Use crafts such as knitting, sewing, cooking, and making preserves to avoid shop prices. Another option is to purge yourself of sugar cravings and take a break from alcohol and cigarettes and put money back into the budget (Scorpio South Node).

Want to know which areas of your life will be activated by the eclipses and get some personalised tips? Book a session with Astrotessa to maximise these chances for change,

Kindly, Tessa

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