This week, being with the ones you love will nourish and support your heart more deeply than usual. The Cancer New Moon on Wednesday 29 June 2022 represents a stage in the year when there is balance and harmony in the emotional realm.
Cancer energy invites us to connect with our family and our friends in an act of belonging and love.
Every new moon represents a union of the luminaries – the Sun and the Moon. This month they are both in the sign of Cancer, where the Solstice occurred last week. The New Moon promises to further deepen our experience of emotional connection and enfoldment that began with the solstice. Feelings and emotional sensitivity are heightened. Our need to share love and connection is stronger.
When we are under the influence of the symbolic crab, being with the ones you love involves giving shelter and warmth, nurture and safety, care and protection. Particularly for those living in the south, winter makes us want to turn inward, moving away from the cold and into our shelter. Here we feel protected from the long dark nights and comforted by the inner glow of heat and love. This is a perfect description of how Cancer energy operates.
Family tension
Unfortunately, family tension and conflict can be part of a gathering or occasion, despite our best intentions. The planetary connections in the Cancer New Moon chart below indicate the potential for friction. The nature of this tension is described in this article.

Where does the tension come from?
The tension is between your need to be with family and your desire to do something new and adventurous. If you find it hard to balance both needs, this results in feeling frustrated and angry. The energy of competition and self-interest is counterpoint to the need for belonging (Aries Jupiter square Cancer Sun/Moon).
There may be a sense that people are not pulling their weight. The daily routine of family life is not as important as doing things their own way in their own time. Resentment and anger arises and there is tension in the air. But this situation could also uncover important information about individual needs and feelings. Try to listen to what your loved ones are saying and allow them to speak about their needs.

How to use the tension productively
The best way to look at this situation is that it presents us with an opportunity for new understanding about family patterns and friendship dynamics. We are each entitled to our own values and beliefs. We have the right to not subscribe to norms. Diversity adds richness to our life experiences and opens our mind to new ways of seeing.
Family relationships and friendships are stronger when we allow each person to truly express their views and their opinions.

The Cancer New Moon invites us to foster self-expression and independence for the people we love. This can involve practical acts of trust and respect (Taurus Uranus applying North Node). If we cannot open our hearts, we may need to separate ourselves from others. Be careful of getting sucked into old habits like jealousy and obsession with past hurts or traumatic experiences from childhood (Aquarius Saturn square Scorpio South Node).
Emerging from the cocoon
The final important feature of this Cancer New Moon concerns the urge to take action in an area of your life that has been slowly developing new structures (Aries Mars applying square to Capricorn Pluto). You may be called to take the initiative with revealing a family secret or tradition that will change the way your family works. Things that have been kept hidden can be powerful influencers in our family life. This New Moon could be the start of a fresh way of sharing power within your family or friendship circle.
A short survey
- Does your family have a secret that needs to be told?
- Is there a family tradition that undermines love and care?
- Do your friends hold back from saying what they think for fear of offending
- Are you on the verge of making changes to the way you relate to your family or friends?
If you replied yes to any or all of these questions, the energy of the Cancer New Moon can help you make the life changes you seek.
This is an excellent time for creative, imaginative writing. listening, and speaking (Gemini Venus sextile Pisces Neptune). You are also more tuned into your intuition. Use your gut feelings to choose a time, place and situation in which to have conversations about these secrets or traditions. You may also be open to learning new communication skills with this New Moon. Some exciting new skills in listening and being present in difficult situations are available via this link.
Please share your story of how this Cancer New Moon influences you in being with those you love.
Kindly, Tessa x