From early morning on Friday 22 November 2024, the Sagittarius Sun invites us to journey into the unknown. Threads of optimism and hope weave the sign of Sagittarius into an urge to travel, study, philosophise, and discuss our thoughts with others. This is usually a happy place after the deep emotional dive of Scorpio. It can be refreshing to go somewhere new or spend time with people from a different culture. It can also put our lives in perspective. Talking to someone about what is going on in your mind might help to unravel the path to your future.
These are some of the gifts of the Sagittarius Sun.

Great time to evaluate your plans and say what you think
The ideal time to reconsider plans, evaluate goals, and review strategies will be from Tuesday 26 November until Monday 16 December (Mercury retrograde 22Sag40 – 6Sag23). Use this energy to tidy up paperwork and prepare for a new phase of action. When Mercury is retrograde, we can experience delays and interruptions that force us to reconsider our next steps. This four-monthly cycle is suited to project planning and management. For more information, contact Tessa here.
Old wounds in relationships could be an issue on 28 November (Venus square Chiron). There may be tension if one person prefers sticking to the plan whereas the other person likes heading off in a new direction. This may trigger memories of not being listened to or heard. If you realise this is the case, why not use this opportunity to finally say what you think? This Venus/Chiron connection can be a source of healing if you let it.

The Sagittarius New Moon on Sunday 1 December has the potential to energise us into action. On a day like this, an outing to the beach or a bushwalk in the forest could inspire and delight your spirit. Enjoy the easy-going vibes of this New Moon energy.
On 4 December, a surge in communication could create the sense that everyone is talking at once (Mercury opposite Jupiter). The discussion about banning children on social media is likely to flare up again. This is also under the influence of heavy energy on 5 December that tends to set boundaries and impose rules about communication (Sun square Saturn).
In the middle of this dynamic week, around 6 December, there could be a change in fortune for people born under a fire sign (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries). This point in the cycle is perfect to initiate changes in your business approach to achieve success (Sun/Mercury). The alignment of solar and mercurial energies sheds light on ways to market your products or services effectively.
What do we want to do?
Saturday 7 December signals the start of a seven-month period of inner reflection (Mars retrograde).. We will be invited to ponder and investigate the question: what do we want to do? People born early Leo or late Cancer will be directly impacted during this period and may go through a process of self-examination and change. The world could experience low productivity and inaction until this cycle completes in early May 2025. Overall, Mars retrograde may clear away unproductive habits and help us to act with more clarity.
A significant shift in relationships could begin to take effect later in the day (Venus into Aquarius). If you are in a marriage or business partnership, you may notice your partner is more emotionally distant or distracted. This is due to the intellectual, idealistic nature of Venus in Aquarius. A very unusual event or person may come into your life at this time. There could also be a tendency to talk about doing something without actually getting things done. This could be inspiring for artistic or literary people but frustrating for those who like practical outcomes.
Relationships likely to affected by the cosmos
Relationships will also be affected by several cosmic events occurring on Sunday 8 December. These changes could generate endings, beginnings, and even a spiritual awakening (Venus/Pluto; Neptune direct). During this period of increased communication there may be too many things to think about and a sense of overwhelm or social exhaustion (Sun opposite Jupiter).
From 12 December until the Gemini Full Moon on 15 December, there could be conflict in relationships due to indifference, reduced motivation or lack of confidence (Venus opposite MarsR). During this period, practice self-compassion and self-love to boost your capacity to empathise rather than criticise those closest to you. The Giving and Receiving Compassion meditation by Kristen Neff is a wonderful way to reset emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and only takes 20 minutes!

A new cycle of commerce and communication starts on Monday 16 December injecting hope and optimism after this series of tense planetary changes (Mercury direct 6Sag23). Whew! What a relief to start a fresh round of activity and growth in communication, travel or study.
Then, as the Sagittarius Sun nears the end of its solar cycle, it will form a challenging angle to Neptune in Pisces on 19 December. This could produce a fog of emotion and dampen any flames of enthusiasm that may have emerged (Sun square Neptune). The best way to handle this type of energy is with a practice that will ground your body and balance your mind. Mindfulness exercises such as five senses mediation is a perfect support during these types of transits.
The challenging changes discussed in this update will be good preparation for five major shifts in the cosmic environment in 2025. These significant planetary shifts and movements that are bound to impact our world will be discussed in my next post.
Kindly, Tessa x