My Services
How I can help
My offer to you
Do you want to develop the skills and courage you need to handle and to navigate situations of conflict? My services will help you to create peace and happiness in your life. Experience more satisfaction and stimulation in your work, and harmony and love in your relationships by working with me.
As a spiritually based scientific technique, Astrology combines well with psychological healing techniques to help you understand and change your life. My positive approach to Astrology and my skills as a Counsellor and Spiritual Carer support and guide you to move into your future with safety and ease.
All things change but sometimes we push too hard and try to force the issue. Using insights from Astrology, you can learn how to listen for the right time to speak, and when to stay silent.
As you get to know and understand your feelings, you will make better decisions in relationships, in your career, and in your home life.
Walk more calmly and happily in the world with Astrotessa. Be yourself and free up the energy that is locked into patterns and habits developed in the past. Your life is ready for change. Step onto the path.
Harmonise your life
Resolve your conflict
Astrological insights
I offer to you a mature and eclectic approach to Astrology, informed by real life experiences, struggles and successes. My empathy and compassion for your life journey is genuine and comes from experience with clients or in my own life with situations including:
- relationship issues
- health challenges
- infertility
- sexual trauma
- domestic violence
- gender identity/ coming out to family
- disability/loss
- racial discrimination
- homelessness
- unemployment
- anxiety/ vulnerability
- low self-worth

As you sit there reading this, I know you’re thinking about how much you would like to resolve the conflict you have in your life and live with safety, peace, health and well-being. You can find that inner comfort with Astrology.
The more you experience the power of Astrology to improve your life, the more you will want to know about it.
Learn how to sail more gently in your life with the help of a creative, fun and experienced Astrological Counsellor.
Services and readings
Year Ahead Reading
Astrologers think about time as a wheel. We see the cyclical nature of life in the movement of the Moon, Planets and Stars. Our understanding of life’s phases is based on scientific evidence from astronomy and astro-physics.
As the planets orbit the Sun, they connect with the Earth’s path from time to time. Just as the Moon’s orbit of the Earth affects the ocean tides and fertility cycles of animals and plants, we are all subject to the transiting energies of orbiting planets. This is the theory behind the Year Ahead reading.
There are three elements to this service. First, you will receive a personalised Events Calendar, which describes the experiences that are likely to occur at particular periods
Key dates are provided with a detailed explanation that helps you to plan ahead with accuracy and assurance.
Second, you will receive a Lunar Cycle Report that can be used to track when you are in a growth or waxing phase, and when you are in a consolidation or waning phase.
This is a useful adjunct for planning investments, making life changes, or deciding when to expand and when to retire.
Third, you will be invited to a one hour consultation with Tessa to ask questions and clarify information. An audio recording of the consultation will be forwarded to you within 24 hours.
Choose this service to understand the lessons and achievements waiting for you and to know how to travel your life path with success.
Enjoy the success of knowing.
Astrology Counselling
Astrology counselling gives you support and guidance with the major pressures in your life as seen through the lens of Astrology. This framework allows you to see your current situation as a stage in a cycle of events that have a purpose and a lesson for you.
Taking a step back from yourself opens up the possibility for a new perspective, which is helpful when you are healing from trauma or loss. Tessa is trained in psychological techniques such as Psychosynthesis, Shadow Work, and Acceptance Commitment Therapy. These approaches help to tease out solutions within complex problems. The methods are nurturing and can be used in your own home or office after learning them in the counselling session.
All clients are encouraged to learn the practice of self-compassion. This is an effective and simple way to get relief from difficult feelings using guided meditation and the breath.
Astrology Counselling focuses on issues that are important to you right now. This service takes you to a deeper level of understanding and insight as you journey through the healing process.
Deepen your experience with life. Use Astrology as a compass to find more happiness, joy and meaning in your life.
Spiritual Self Care
Do you want to get in touch with your spiritual self?
With over 25 years’ experience as a meditator Tessa knows the benefits of spending time each day with her spiritual self.
Tessa can support you to make space in your life for spiritual self-care.
We live in a culture that puts material values above all else. Even the focus on physical and mental health is about improving our capacity to be productive in the workforce or as carers. We are constantly being asked to conform or to contribute in some way.
There is little or no guidance to develop and maintain our spiritual health. If you or your family do not go to a church, your life may have lacked information about spiritual self-care.
These sessions will help you to recognise the spiritual part of your life and to care for this important aspect of your being.
What is a spiritual self?
At the core of each person is a timeless essence that awakens when you stop doing and simply be aware. This experience of being in the moment comes from your spiritual self.
Spending time in this zone of concentrated awareness gives the other parts of your being a rest. It also connects you to a universal energy that will support your life.
Your spiritual self is a precious resource of deep joy, safety, compassion, and non-judgement.
Introduce yourself to your spiritual self and learn how to care for it today.
Caring for Self and Others
Do you feel like you don’t even have time for a cup of tea and every bit of energy is being given to a loved one?
Guided support from Astrotessa will help you avoid burn-out. Sessions will focus on
- Building your resilience through self-care
- Being present with your loved one rather than always doing
- Starting difficult conversations with your loved one
- Advocating with health professionals
- Preparing for end of life, legal and medical documents
Learn how to be calm and supportive with people in their illness, and at their end-of-life. Be assured you are doing what is needed.
Find ways to nourish yourself as you care for others.
Grief Counselling
There are things that we don’t want to happen
but have to accept
Things we don’t want to know
but have to learn
And people we can’t live without
but have to let go.
Suzanne Maher 2006

Grief Counselling can help
The first few weeks, months, and years after loss can be especially tough. You might be fearful of the future without your loved one/relationship/job. You may not be ready to accept the changes in your life and the challenges to your identity that the loss has caused.
It is important to receive support and love to help you make meaning of this event and to reshape your life.
Hope and renewal
Counselling can help you to tap into a little burst of creativity that occurs after the processes of loss and grief are completed.
In just one session, Tessa can help you to create a safe space in which to spend time with yourself in relation to your loved one again. A series of sessions will help to consolidate this experience and give you hope and resilience in the years to come.
One of Tessa’s skills is in helping you to find relief and comfort.

Birth Chart Reading
Birth chart readings are a perfect way to get clearer about your hopes and visions, and to understand the challenging parts of yourself that might trip you up sometimes.
The reading includes a comprehensive report that covers every aspect of your personality as seen in your Birth Chart. Find out what makes you a unique person. Learn about the types of situations and people that you are likely to be drawn to at work, in your home, and for fun and laughter.
You will be invited to explore the contents of your report in a one-hour consultation session. An audio recording of the consultation will be forwarded to you within 24 hours.
This practical approach works on multiple levels: physical, emotional, mental and intuitive. It provides a clear analysis of yourself to power up your life. You receive validation for what has been happening and pointers to inner resources. The ultimate aim of this service is to help you heal inner hurts, clear up confused thoughts, and deal with vulnerabilities.
This is an excellent way to liberate your creativity and sense of play. It can be exciting to unlock the secrets and complexities of self using ancient Astrological symbols. A Birth Chart reading allows you to discover all the facets of the real you; your depth and your magnificence. With this self-understanding, you can solve the mysteries of your life and gain the freedom to shine.
Awaken to Your Self.
Relationship Reading
In Astrology, we specialise in working with couples and families to improve communication. In a Relationship Reading, your chart is compared with the chart of your loved one.
For relationships to work, there needs to be a shared understanding and respect for each other. You receive a report and a joint one hour session that covers:
- Relating themes in each person’s birth chart
- Where harmony and conflict occur in the relationship
- Insights into how to heal your relationship
- How the combined chart for the relationship is likely to play out.
Choose this service to find out: Your Moon sign and the role of the Moon in your Chart; Your intellect and How you each Love; Your Strengths, Your Challenges and How You Fit Together.
Understand and improve your relationships with others.
New born baby reading
When a new addition to the family is born, our hopes and dreams awaken and happiness streams through the window of the future. Find out about your new child’s strengths and gifts. Receive guidance and tips on schooling, play, health and how to parent your child to ensure they feel safe and secure. This beautifully written and packaged report will be a keepsake for the whole family.
Astrological insights into how your new baby will respond to life.