Life is conscious awareness. Without consciousness and breath, we cease to exist. In mindfulness, by observing the breath and opening to awareness in the present moment, we can quieten our busy mind and change our consciousness.
The zodiac sign of Pisces is linked to all forms of consciousness from clear enlightened awareness that transcends the ego to intoxication under the influence of alcohol, drugs or mystical experience. Pisces represents our capacity to harmonise the conscious and unconscious mind, and to be moved with love and compassion into caring for those who are suffering. The Sun will move through Pisces from 18 February – 19 March 2021.
As Aquarian thinking energy gives way to sensitive emotional awareness, try to prioritise music, art, poetry, spiritual practice and imagination (Sun into Pisces: 18 February). Love, attraction, joy and pleasure will be possible (Venus into Pisces: 26 February), making this an excellent time to experiment with increasing kindness in our relations with others through generous exchanges. This is an opportunity to give respect and recognition to the other person, plant, animal before asking them to give you what you need. Indigenous cultures apply this principle of reciprocity when harvesting, fishing or hunting. Permission is sought before taking, and they collect what is needed, generating no waste. This Pisces ethic has sustained a safe and vibrant world for all living beings for many centuries and is fundamental to the survival and renewal of our planet.
The February Full Moon reminds us to care for our health and wellbeing with routine exercise, diet and doing the type of work that nourishes us (Virgo Moon under Pisces Sun: 27 February, 7:17pm AEDT). In early March, we’re more inclined to surf the net, read a book or watch a documentary so put the garden fork in the shed along with the craft materials (Mars enters Gemini: 4 March). Information is power; why not enrol in a course or learn online? There is great potential to increase your knowledge and skills under this flickering, adaptable intellectual energy that lasts well into April.
By mid-March, communication flows smoothly again and you can confidently apply your thinking and messaging to external matters, which have been in the shadows since late January (Mercury stations direct in Aquarius: 21 February; Mercury exits retrograde shadow: 13 March).
Conveying your message to the world is a strong theme for this period (Mercury rules the Full Moon and Gemini Mars). In Greek mythology, Hermes (Rome’s ‘Mercury’) represented the crossroads or exchange point. As a psychopomp, Hermes escorted souls into the underworld and accompanied returning spirits back to life. Mercurial influences help us to be considerate in what we say, and how we say it. Under the Pisces Sun, aim to speak with compassion and kindness to the people you encounter along your life journey.
On the ides of March (11 March), your imagination and romantic idealism could cause delusion or even deception, but stay objective and remain detached to enable good judgement and sound decisions (Sun conjunct Neptune; Moon conjunct Jupiter and Mercury). The New Moon will be good for spending time with siblings, neighbours and your community (Pisces New Moon: 13 March). Later the same week, intuition, empathy and sensitivity come to the fore and psychic connections are possible (Mercury into Pisces: 16 March). Our instincts for practical change also kick in to assist with creativity and inventiveness (Taurus Moon conjunct Uranus: 17 March) as we prepare for the movement of the Sun into Aries on 20 March 2021.