The Sun enters Scorpio at 3:52pm AEDT on Saturday 23 October 2021 bringing a new layer of intensity into our lives. We are more likely to express our feelings about inequality, injustice, and unfairness (Scorpio Sun conjunct Libra Mars), whereas we may stay silent at other times. This solar shift will intensify your feelings about these topics.
The current tension around vaccination status is a good example of this dynamic. Most of us cannot bear imbalance. And that is what we see developing in our community because of the new regime. Making different rules for vaccinated and non-vaccinated citizens excludes some members of our community from social connection.
When Mars enters Scorpio at 1:21am on Sunday 31 October 2021 these concerns are likely to deepen and bring up strong emotions. As the tension grows, anger, jealousy, and resentment will intensify. An air of mystery or secrecy may develop, to hide what is really going on. Personal relationships could go either way with Scorpio Mars. You might feel more passion and craving. Or you could become oversensitive and put up a cold front to keep people away.
Relationships and business partnerships improve
Significant changes are likely when the Sun and Moon conjoin for the Scorpio New Moon at 8:15am Friday 5 November 2021. On the same day, Venus moves into Capricorn at 9:44pm. For the next 3 months, relationships will be more business-like because we will take responsibility for our actions and commit to partnering with respect. Venus will retrograde during her passage through Capricorn. Check out information about this significant event in next month’s update.

From 9:35am on Saturday 6 November 2021, when Mercury enters Scorpio. Our thoughts begin to focus on the cycle of life and death. Issues of power, abuse, and elimination rise to the surface. This is a good time to set up a compost system for your garden. Use this combination (Sun, Mercury, Mars in Scorpio) to investigate or delve into something you do not fully understand. Your determination to find buried treasure will greatly increase. An astrology counselling session can support your inner journey.

Expect the unexpected
Astrologers and those who follow Astrological patterns know to expect the unexpected when Mercury opposes Uranus at 2:56am on Sunday 14 November 2021. A surprising message is likely to arrive in your life. Perhaps this will bring a shift in collective thinking about freedom. Or people start to see what is happening from a new perspective?
Moving these thoughts into action may be a dangerous proposition due to the influence of Mars opposing Uranus at 4:23am on Thursday 18 November 2021. Violence, explosion, disruption, and unrest are hallmarks of this energetic contact. The planets of war and revolution are in a stand-off. Of course, this polarity could also represent a period of innovation. You could channel your ideas into brilliant new inventions.
In a final hurrah…
Nearing the end of this powerful period, we welcome the Partial Lunar Eclipse at 8:57am and Taurus Full Moon at 7:57pm on Friday 19 November 2021. These cosmic events bring stability and ground us in practical reality. Respite after the strong experiences and feelings associated with Scorpio season.
In a final hurrah, as the Sun prepares to leave, Mercury conjoins Mars in Scorpio at 11:56pm on Wednesday 20 November 2021. Here we are again, thinking about what we truly want with a forceful passionate stare. However, this time our thoughts intensify because they combine with a raw and powerful Will to act on our desires. This is an excellent time to
- Listen LOUD to passionate music
- Paint from your deepest dark place
- Let your feelings reel out tears of loss and grief
- Milk the juices of life for better or for worse.
Please let me know how you fare during Scorpio season by leaving a comment below.
Thank you.
Kindly, Tessa