Pluto in Aquarius – implications for the future

As Pluto transits the zodiac sign of Aquarius from 20 November 2024, it will introduce a new form of transformative power into the world.

The sign of Aquarius is associated with revolutionary movements. Particularly those that strive to bring utopian visions into reality.

Pluto, the planet of birth, death, and renewal will transit Aquarius for the next 20 years.

We could see radical changes in thinking and powerful shifts in consciousness.

A good example is Artificial Intelligence. AI is changing communication, education, and technology industries and interfering in human creativity.

The influence of ideas will be important during Pluto in Aquarius because it is an air or intellectual sign.  These ideas are linked to the planetary rulers of Aquarius: Saturn and Uranus.


The traditional  planetary ruler is Saturn. Think restrictions and rules through authoritarian methods. The modern planetary ruler is Uranus. Expect change through anarchy, chaos, and innovation. Combined, these ideas are likely to bring considerable change and potential disruption to the world. 

The end game of Pluto is to eliminate things that no longer serve a purpose. Pluto makes space for the new landscape to emerge. Being optimistic, Pluto in Aquarius could signal letting go of the wasteful, destructive practices of the past. We could favour renewable, sustainable relationships and projects. Instead of making money from the earth, we respect and honour the land, seas, waters and skies on this planet.

This is the first of five significant planetary changes that will occur in the next few months. Pluto in Aquarius is setting the tone for the cosmic shift that is about to occur. 

More details about all of these planetary changes will be posted here before the end of 2024.

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